Dovilės Erasmus+ praktika Bulgarijoje, kurioje kalnai tokie pat dideli, kaip ir žmonių širdys

Dovilė savo Erasmus+ praktikos patirtį aprašo anglų kalba, kurią lavino praktikos metu:

I was always a little bit different and crazy in a way, so my family and friends expected something intriguing after asking me which country have I chosen to have my internship in. And of course every time I would say “Bulgaria” to the person whom asks me, I would get a response what a weird and uncommon choice I have made. But Bulgaria has the two things I love the most – big mountains and people with big hearts.

This was my first experience in the program Erasmus+, so everything for me was very thrilling and bringing a lot of lessons and experience. First of all, I got an amazing opportunity to work with a creative, young, leading studio in Sofia. Not only did I learn to work in a team and to express myself through the tasks that I was given, but also I found new friends in the environment that I was working in. I was very surprised that my bosses even showed up at my goodbye party. Just imagine, dancing to pop songs with your mentor and the boss!

It wasn’t that hard for me to live in Sofia financially, even though it’s the most expensive city in Bulgaria the prices are fairly low compared to the other European cities. There is a common opinion, that a lot of Bulgarians speak Russian, which is completely false. Most of the youth and a big part of the middle aged people speak very good English. So finding a flat was not a problem, people are keen to foreigners. It is easy to find a room to rent in social media groups.

In Sofia there is always something to do – the city has a lot of galleries and museums and an interesting nightlife. The Bulgarian cuisine is a mix of all types of Balkan dishes. It's rich in proteins but also vegetarian friendly. You can find a lot places to get home-cooked meals which are delicious! The Balkan music scene is crazy, once you see a live playing band you will feel as if you are in a Kusturica’s movie.

Describing my Erasmus trip I could write a whole book. Now, after my trip, I am more self-confident and independent person. And I want to encourage those who doubt their wish of going abroad through Erasmus – this opportunity is worth taking! Now I’m sure that only challenging ourselves we can achieve something worth.

Dovilė Gudavičiūtė
Atliko Erasmus+ praktiką įmonėje Funkt LTD (Bulgaria)


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